Morris Township
Washington County, PA

Supervisor Meeting Minutes – September 19, 2023

The Morris Township Board of Supervisors met for their regular meeting at the Municipal Building.  Present were Supervisors Sam Bartolotto, Dave Dietrich and Rob Sanders, Zoning Officer Bob Sanders, Tim Hamilton and Randy Hamilton. Meeting was called to order at 6:00.

Public Participation:  Randy asked about the status of the grants for the Act 537 Planning, one will be determined in November and the other application will be turned in in October.   He asked about the bridge and walking trail grant, both of which are still being completed, and about the trucks, which we are still waiting for.

Motion by Sanders to accept minutes from last meeting as written, seconded by Bartolotto, all agreed.

Police report was reviewed by Bartolotto, road report given by Dietrich.

In Old Business:  The streetlights are still pending; the work order missed a light so it will have to be added.

Motion By Bartolotto to add to agenda discussion on rescinding Resolution 2 of 2020, pertaining to Road Masters. Seconded by Sanders, all agreed. The Resolution limits the number of road masters in the township to one at any time. Solicitors Hook and Makel both stated that a resolution can not be made to bind a future Board of Supervisors. Bartolotto also stated that many other townships of our size have more than one road master.   

Motion by Bartolotto to rescind Resolution 2 of 2020, seconded by Sanders, all agreed. 

In New Business: A Survey was presented for a Subdivision by Selah 5 Star Properties. They propose a split of 7.5 acres from 17.5 acres to sell to the neighbor.  Motion to approve Subdivision by Dietrich, seconded by Bartolotto. Sanders abstained as it is his property.

Denise Chadwick asked if the Supervisors would think about having some events on the walking trail. Her suggestion was a story walk along the trail. Sanders stated that he would prefer it to be completely done before having any kind of event. 

Washington County 911 has put in a request to put a communications tower on a property off of Deer Park that they will lease from Consol. Since the maximum height of structures in the township is 35’, a hearing with the Zoning Board will be required. Pam had questions about the fees, will call the solicitor to discuss. 

Secretary would like to attend the Washington County Tax Collection District’s annual meeting to see what it is all about. They sent a letter asking for proxy votes since most municipalities do not attend. Pam would like to be there to represent the township instead of giving a proxy.  

Motion by Sanders to review and pay bills, seconded by Bartolotto, all agreed. Meeting adjourned at 6:22