Morris Township
Washington County, PA

Supervisor Meeting Minutes – October 3, 2023

The Morris Township Board of Supervisors met for their regular meeting at the Municipal Building.  Present were Supervisors Dave Dietrich and Rob Sanders, Zoning Officer Bob Sanders, Greg Dunn, Karen Shaw and Doug Smith. Meeting called to order at 6:00.

Doug stated that he objects to the rescinding of the resolution and the fact that it was added to the agenda at the meeting. 

Karen said that she will not be able to head up the luminary Christmas display this year and hopes that someone else will be able to head it up. Pam will post on Prosperity facebook page and Karen will try to find someone to replace her as well.

Police report, road report and fire report given by Dietrich.  Fire, 15 calls last month, 2 responded to during working hours.  Weekly police reports will be hanging in office vestibule.

Old Business:  Pam attended the County Tax Authority meeting.  A representative will need to be appointed at reorganization meeting.  Pam is willing if none of the Supervisors want to go.

Motion by Sanders to pass Resolution 6, applying for an LSA grant to cover 50% of the cost of Act 537 Planning. Seconded by Dietrich.

Consol G6 Bleeder Fan Conditional Use Agreement required a change in times of operation that was discussed at the hearing but not reflected on the agreement.  Motion by Sanders to approve the change to the agreement, seconded by Dietrich.

Reminder that Fall Clean up is this Saturday from 7-4  

New Business:  The Township received a Heavy Haul agreement from Lipinski Logging for truck travel on Ringland Ridge Road.  Fees have been paid and bonding is in place.  Motion by Sanders to approve agreement, seconded by Dietrich.

Motion by Sanders to approve bond release of Horseshoe Bend Rd.  CNX will not be using the road any longer.  Seconded by Dietrich. 

CNX Wilbert Way HH agreement is up for renewal.

Health Insurance is also up for renewal.  Dave Franz will bring some options to a meeting, probably the first in November.

Motion by Sanders to review and pay bills, seconded by Dietrich.  

Meeting adjourned at 6:21