Morris Township
Washington County, PA

Supervisor Meeting Minutes – October 17, 2023

The Board of Supervisors of Morris township met for their regular meeting at the Municipal Building.  Present were Supervisors Rob Sanders, Dave Dietrich and Sam Bartolotto, Chief Will DeForte, Kresta Porter(GCRPD secretary), Tim Hamilton, Randy Hamilton and Dave Franz.

Meeting was called to order at 6:02.

Public Comment:   Dave Franz asked about Fios, no concrete info on that yet.  He mentioned a recycling dumpster in Greene County and if there was a possibility of getting one here.  We don’t have any fenced area to put one to keep people from putting garbage in it so we could not do it at this time.  Lastly, asked as a representative of the library for an increase in the donation amount for 2024.  He stated that there are a number or Morris Twp residents who use the library, and they depend on donations to operate.

Motion by Sanders to approve the minutes from the last meeting as written with the correction of a couple of typos, seconded by Dietrich, all agreed.

Police report given by Chief DeForte.   Road Report given by Dave.  Financial report was available to review.

In old business:  Pam met with John Greenwood from West Penn Power and he is looking into adding one more streetlight to the list of those to be updated.

New Business: Health insurance is up for renewal.  Dave Franz spoke about a few plan options as the plan comparable to the current plan comes with a 17.5% increase in cost. He explained the difference between a PPO and an EPO.   He will meet the Supervisors sometime before the next meeting to explain the different plans and answer questions about them.

Police Chief Will DeForte went over the proposal for next year’s police protection.  They would like to increase the service hours, put a station in Morris Twp. Washington County and be available for extra services to residents, such as background checks, passport photos, vacation home checks, etc…

The cost will be shared between Morris Washington, Morris Greene and Perry Township.  Our share will be $91,000 per year.  A cost sheet was supplied to show all of the expenses and how the money is used.

The Redevelopment Authority sent a notice that Morris Twp is eligible to receive funds in 2024 from the Community Development Block Grant Program.   Supervisors will consider if there is a road project that the funds can be used for. 

Reminder that because of the election on November 7, the next meeting will be on Wednesday, November 8. 

Motion by Sanders to review and pay bills, seconded by Dietrich.  All agreed.

Meeting adjourned at 7:00