Morris Township
Washington County, PA

Supervisor Meeting Minutes – October 15, 2024

The Morris Township Board of Supervisors met for their regular meeting at the Municipal Building. Present were Supervisors Sam Bartolotto, Patrick Bracey and Dave Dietrich, Zoning Officer Bob Sanders, Greg & Susan Dunn, Bruce Livingood, Mike & Billie Schwarz, Dave Franz, State Senator Camera Bartolotta, Tim Hamilton, Randy Hamilton, Duncan & Alieen Smith, Steve Courtwright, Justin Foersch. The meeting was called to order at 7:00.

Public Participation:  Doug discussed his progress with the LSA grant application for the school house painting. 

Motion by Bartolotto to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as written, seconded by Dietrich, all agreed.

The Police Report was read by Bartolotto. The financial and road report were available for review.

Old Business:  Motion by Bartolotto to approve the use of the garage for Rise Against Hunger for September 27, 2025, seconded by Bracey, all agreed.

Motion by Bracey to get the Fidelity/Fraud Policy that was presented at $100,000 coverage, seconded by Dietrich, all agreed.

The budget workshop has been scheduled for November 14 at 10:00am.

A letter from the Solicitor was read regarding HB 2288, allowing a raise in Supervisor pay.  It was decided that there was no need for a discussion on it.

At 7:10, bids for the installation of the cinder shed garage doors were opened.  The four bids received were as follows:

Overhead Door Company, $48,944.000
Trinity Garage Door,  $36,890.00
Cambridge Overhead Door,   $38,500.00
Timbers Kovar Co.,   $45,160.00

Motion by Bartolotto to accept the lowest bid from Trinity Garage Door after confirmation that all of the specifications were the same and as advertised.  Seconded by Bracey.  All agreed.

State Senator Camera Bartolotta was present to answer resident’s questions.   Discussed were Grants and grant opportunities, Act 13 Impact fee, Farmers depletion allowance on mineral rights, Property tax and permitting reform, road repairs, overweight trucks, flooding on Plum Sock, the County 911 radio system, a communication tower in Morris Township and the Magistrate system.

Health insurance renewal information was presented by Dave Franz. The renewal rate on a comparable policy for the township employees will be $3274.67, which is an increase of $309.57 per month.   Supervisors will go over the options and it will be discussed again at another meeting.

Dave Franz asked as the Citizens Library Board President if the Township would be willing to increase it’s annual donation to $1,000.   Will be discussed at the budget meeting.

Motion by Bartolotto to review and pay bills, seconded by Dietrich. All Agreed.  Meeting adjourned 8:18