Morris Township
Washington County, PA

Supervisor Meeting Minutes – November 8, 2023

The Morris Township Board of Supervisors met for their regular meeting at the Municipal Building.  Present were Supervisors Sam Bartolotto, Dave Dietrich & Rob Sanders, Police Chief Will DeForte, Officer Bob Cunningham, Greg Dunn, David Watt, Tim Hamilton, Randy Hamilton, JoAnn Close, Rose Donahue, Mike Donahue, Jake Donahue, Duncan Smith, Aileen Smith, Doug Smith, Pegg Smith, Marty Finch, Scott Finch, Kevin Bartolotto, Bob Silvers, Dave Franz, Jeff Mooney.  Meeting was called to order at 6:05.

Public Participation:  Doug Smith talked elections, transparency, Police agreement. Chief DeForte explained some allowed uses of Act 13 funds and term of contract.  Scott Finch talked about Police department increase and tax relief using those funds and the need for police here.  Kevin Bartolotto spoke about what would happen if taxes were taken away and then they came back higher.  Discussion on location of department and hours of service.  Jake Donahue, Rose Donahue, Aileen Smith, Mike Donahue, Dave Watt, Marty Finch and JoAnn Close also stated opinions.  Dietrich stated that we need to do something.  He proposed trying the new agreement for one year and see what happens. He said there is crime out there, even if you don’t see it. Scott Finch requested a detailed report at the end of the year to see what the department costs were.  Discussion on cost to put the officers in the outbuilding and department budget.  Talk of computer system and software to enter incidents. After much discussion, it was determined that it would be best to leave the department in the Municipal Building for the time being to see how things go, get more info, and decide on the outbuilding at a later time.

Kevin Bartolotto requested a plaque for Dusty to recognize his service to the community.  He thinks the Township should pay for it.  Scott Finch asked for the Township to have a Facebook page to put this kind of info.  Pam has concerns about liability for the township having a social media account.  Dave will look into options.

Motion by Sanders to accept the minutes from the previous meeting as written.  seconded by Bartolotto.

All agreed.     Police report ready by Chief DeForte. He discussed activity from the past couple of months, recent trainings and an offer for firearms training for the public.  Fire Department Report ready by Dietrich:  25 calls last month, two responded to by Dave while on working hours.   Road report given by Dietrich.

Old business:  Motion by Dietrich to accept new Police agreement with the department in the Municipal building, the Township will purchase the computer and software system at a cost of $91,000 for the year. Seconded by Bartolotto.  All agreed.

Health insurance renewal:  Discussion on cost increase of insurance compared to different plans. Dave Franz explained the cost difference, which does not make enough difference to make up for the loss of doctor choice and raised deductible. Discussion on percentage covered by township. Most townships cover their employees at 100%, as ours does currently.  It was also discussed that a good health plan is something that will be a way, in the future to attract new employees. There was also discussion on providing family plans in the future if someone is hired who has a family that needs coverage. 

Motion by Dietrich to approve the comparable plan as proposed at the 17% increase, seconded by  Sanders, all agreed.

Motin by Sanders to review and pay bills, seconded by Bartolotto, all agreed. Meeting adjourned 7:40