Morris Township
Washington County, PA

Supervisor Meeting Minutes – November 6, 2024

The Morris Township Board of Supervisors met for their regular meeting at the Municipal Building.  Present were Supervisors Sam Bartolotto and Dave Dietrich, Zoning Officer Bob Sanders, Greg Dunn, Richard Sloan, Justin Orbash and Kenny Sherman(representing SandBox), Shirley Harris, Mike & Billie Schwarz, Tim Hamilton, Randy Hamilton, Bruce Livingood, Dave Franz.   The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.

Public participation: Bruce asked a question about Merge communications.

Mike asked about voter turnout from yesterday’s election.  The turnout percentage was 70%. That did not count mail in ballots, so it was likely a good bit higher.      

Randy had comments about the 537 planning, health insurance and the police contract.

Motion by Bartolotto to accept the minutes from the last meeting as written, seconded by Dietrich. 

The gentlemen from SandBox gave a presentation about the safety training for their truck drivers, passed out flyers with a contact number for residents to call if they see one of their trucks driving unsafely or have any questions or concerns.  There were questions about rattling sounds from the trucks as they go by, and accident clean up protocol.

The Police report was read by Bartolotto.  The Road Report was available for review.  The fire report was given by Dietrich: There were 26 calls in the last month, 4 responded to during work hours.

Old business: Health Insurance decision was due by November 1, but an extension was granted so that a decision could be made at the meeting. There was discussion of waiting until after the budget meeting to make the decision, but it is unclear if we can get another extension. Motion by Bartolotto to accept the comparable plan that was proposed at the last meeting at $3274.67 per month if the company will not give another extension.  Seconded by Dietrich.

The slip repairs on Dry run are in progress now. They should all be completed by Friday and the road is supposed to be paved on Monday.  The township’s cost share of the slip repair was $12,590.00. There was a $25,000 donation by Consol toward fixing one slip and CNX is taking care of the rest.

New business:   Any changes to the police contract need to be made by November 30 or it will automatically renew the same as it was this year.  This topic has been tabled until the next meeting.

Columbia Gas has submitted heavy haul agreements for part of Old Concord and Parcell Rds.  Rich from Harshman has been out to review the roads pre agreement and the application fee and escrow have been received.  Motion to approve both agreements was made by Dietrich.  Seconded by Bartolotto.

Motion by review and pay bills by Bartolotto, seconded by Dietrich.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:40