Morris Township
Washington County, PA

Supervisor Meeting Minutes – May 21, 2024

The Morris Township Board of Supervisors met for their regular meeting at the Municipal Building.  Present were Supervisors Sam Bartolotto, Patrick Bracey and Dave Dietrich, Zoning Officer Bob Sanders, Rob Sanders, Tim Hamilton, Randy Hamilton, Doug & Pegg Smith, Mike & Billie Schwarz. The meeting was called to order at 7:00.

Public Participation:  Randy asked if there had been any inquiry about the HOP for the proposed sewage property.  Also asked about the progress of the Walking Trail.

Doug has received one bid on painting the schoolhouse and is waiting on two more.  He mentioned that it also needs some repair to the wood on the foundation and the windows need glazing.

Motion by Bartolotto to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as written, seconded by Dietrich.  All agreed.

Police report given by Bartolotto. Financial and Road reports were available for review.

Old Business:   Truck Warranty options were discussed.  There is a 3 year factory warranty and information and pricing was presented for extended warranties for the engine, 6 year for $1,210 per truck, aftertreatment, 6 year at $800 each, chassis coverage for 7 years at $4,060 each, transmission for 5 years at $856 and towing/roadside coverage for 7 years at $1,265 each.  These are all options that can be purchased separately, and we have up to six months from the date we receive the trucks to enroll with no penalty. 

Motion by Dietrich to advertise for the RFP for Act 537 planning, seconded by Patrick, all agreed.  It will be advertised to be awarded at a July meeting.

Attendance policy/handbook changes will be discussed at the next meeting when Supervisors have all had the opportunity to review the sample attendance policy.

There is a road slip on Archer Road and Dave has received some bids on the labor for the repair.  Morris Township will cover the materials.   The bids were from Amity Asphalt for $8,400, Folino Construction for $18,800 and Apex for $15,300.  This will be discussed again at the next meeting.

Mention from Secretary about an increase in the dental and vision cost for the new term starting in July.  The dental will increase a total of $182.15 for the year and vision increase is $4.68 total for the year.

After having given it some thought, Bracey made a quick explanation of his reasons for voting no on the two truck purchase motion at the last meeting.

Motion by Bartolotto to review and pay bills, seconded by Bracey, all agreed.

Meeting adjourned at 7:51