Morris Township
Washington County, PA

Supervisor Meeting Minutes – May 2, 2023

The Morris Township Board of Supervisors met for their regular meeting at the Municipal building.  Present were Supervisors Sam Bartolotto, Dave Dietrich and Rob Sanders, Zoning Officer Bob sanders, Dusty Stockdale, Jason Henry from Greer Limestone, John Lindley and Marcy Lindley.

The meeting was called to order at 6:00.

Public participation: None

Motion by Sanders to approve the minutes from the previous meeting as written.  Seconded by Bartolotto.  All agreed.

Road Report was read.

Old Business:   Spring cleanup is this Saturday from 7-4 at the cinder shed site.

Salaries for Jeff Mooney and Chuck Conaway were discussed.  Motion by Sanders to increase each of them by $1 per hour bringing Jeff’s rate to $25.15 per hour and Chuck’s to $18.00.

Stone bids were opened.  They were as follows per ton:

                                         Laurel Aggregates(Arcosa)                                     Greer

#8 washed                                    $55.00                                                         No bid

#57                                                 $25.50                                                         $28.00

#67                                                 $26.50                                                         $28.00

2A                                                   $22.50                                                         $24.25

#4                                                   $25.00                                                         $26.00

AASHTO 1                                     $25.00                                                         $25.50

R4                                                   $27.00                                                         $29.00

R5                                                   $28.50                                                         $34.50

R6                                                   $29.50                                                         $29.00

Asphalt 9.5mm                            $70.00                                                         No bid

Asphalt 19mm                             $60.00                                                          No bid

Oil:                                             Midland                                                    Russell Standard

E3                                                  $2.58                                                              $2.64

E5                                                  $3.07                                                              $2.78

MC70                                            $4.55                                                              $5.35                                           

Motion by Sanders to award all stone bids to Arcosa,  seconded by Dietrich  All agreed

Motion by Sanders to award bids for E3 @ 2.58 and MC70 @ 4.55 by Midland, seconded by Dietrich, all agreed.   Motion by Sanders to award low bid to Russell Standard for E5 at $2.78. Seconded by Dietrich. All agreed.

In new business:  A holding tank application was submitted by Marcy Lindley for the old service station location on 18.  It is being required by the Washington County Sewage Council that a holding tank for gray water be installed.  The solicitor was consulted and said that all holding tanks, regardless of their purpose, are subject to the holding tank agreement and the escrow amount.  There was discussion about tanks and escrow amounts compared to pumping cost and potential clean up costs. Supervisors will look into creating a new ordinance to address the new circumstances that can come up with holding tanks and escrow amounts.  In the meantime, the Lindleys will be under the current agreement and will update their agreement when a new one is approved.    Motion by Sanders to approve the holding tank agreement for Marcy Lindley at 4515 Prosperity Pike, seconded by Bartolotto, all agreed.

Motion by Sanders to approve the road cut agreement with Equitrans for Ringland Ridge Rd. Seconded by Dietrich, all agreed.

There was a request to have some small camp fires at the park by a group renting the pavilion in August. They said if there were no fire pits currently there and it was allowed, they would be willing to bring their own pits.  There was discussion on liability and responsibility for cleaning up.  Pam will call the solicitor and see what his opinion on the subject is.

Tiffany McConnell would like to donate a bench to the park in memory of her husband who passed away. 

One of the Supervisors will call her to discuss.

Motion by sanders to approve revised heavy hauling agreement with CNX for Harvey Road.  Seconded by Dietrich, all agreed. 

Motion by Sanders to approve and pay bills.  Seconded by Bartolotto   all agreed. Meeting adjourned at 7:07