Morris Township
Washington County, PA

Supervisor Meeting Minutes – March 7, 2023

The Morris Township Board of Supervisors met for their regular meeting at the Municipal building.

Present were Supervisors Sam Bartolotto, Rob Sanders and Dave Dietrich, Zoning officer Bob Sanders,   Greg Dunn, Tim Hamilton, Randy Hamilton, Doug & Pegg Smith.   Meeting was called to order at 6:00.

Public Participation:   Doug Smith discussed the referendum that the Anawanna Club members will have on the Primary Ballot.

Motion by Sanders to accept the minutes for the previous meeting as written.  Seconded by Bartolotto.

Road report was read.

Old Business:   The South Franklin ASA request was sent to the county for review.

New Business:  The Whiskey Rebellion Gravel Bike Race has asked for permission to use some of the township roads as part of their route again. Motion by Sanders to authorize use of the roads on that day, May 20, 2023. Seconded by Dietrich, all agreed.

Community picnic is scheduled for the fourth Saturday in September, the 23rd.

A representative of the PA Fish and Boat Commission stopped by the office and asked if the township would be interested in making the creek along the Township property an area restricted to only children and disabled people.  He said that a couple of residents called to request it.   It was decided that there will be too much activity going on with the walking trail construction this year to make a decision on that. We will revisit it next year. 

The walking trail bids were opened on March 2, 2023.  The bids were as follows:

Excaliber Construction, $68,980.50

Redstone Excavating, $85,160.00

Ten Mile Paving, $95,929.00

El Grande Industries, $104,102.00

Youngblood Paving, $105,488.52

CriLon Corp, $171,354.41

Sarah Boyce from Harshman Engineering reviewed all of the bids and recommended awarding the contract to the low bidder, Excaliber Construction.

Motion was made by Sanders to award the project to the low bidder, Excaliber Construction at $68,990.50.  Seconded by Dietrich, all agreed.

Motion by Sanders to review and pay bills. Seconded by Bartolotto. All agreed.

Meeting adjourned at 6:15