Morris Township
Washington County, PA

Supervisor Meeting Minutes – March 5, 2024

The Morris Township Board of Supervisors met for their regular meeting at the Municipal Building.  Present were Supervisors Sam Bartolotto, David Dietrich and Patrick Bracey, Zoning Officer Bob Sanders, Police Chief Will DeForte, Greg Dunn, Tim Hamilton, Randy Hamilton, Rob Sanders, Doug & Pegg Smith. The meeting was called to order at7:00.

Public Participation:  Randy made comments about the employee handbook, health insurance options and the seasonal employee.

Doug had comments about work on the walking trail and extra manpower for projects.

Motion by Bartolotto to approve the minutes from the previous meeting as written.  2nd by Dietrich, all agreed.

Police report is available for review and was given by Chief DeForte. Our police are members of the Greene County SWAT.  It is required that one of our Board members be part of the Board that determines if a police action is justified. Bartolotto stated that he is willing. He will go over the SOP manual and a formal decision will be made at the next meeting.

There was also a discussion of having a public open house for the police to make our residents aware that they are here and what services they provide. 

Fire report given by Dietrich.  There were 15 calls last month. 3 of which were responded to during work hours.

Road report was available for review.

Old Business: Mowing…Doug got prices on different tractors that are listed by Co-Stars vendors. There was a discussion on the cost of hiring someone as opposed to paying for and maintaining equipment.     

Motion by Bracey to hire Gene Crouch at $275 per mowing for the year.  2nd by Bartolotto. All agreed.

CNX Heavy Haul Agreement to extend the length of travel on Parcel Rd. by .4 mi. Road review has been completed and all paperwork and fees have been received.  Motion to approve extension by Bartolotto, 2nd by Dietrich.   All agreed.

Public comment: Randy thinks it would be a good idea to have a microphone/speaker available for the Act 537 planning meeting.   Bracey will look into borrowing one. 

New Business: Audit by CPA is complete. Auditors would like to review the report. 

Note:  The primary election is on April 23 this year.  This is earlier than previous primaries. 

Motion by Bartolotto to review and pay bills. 2nd by Dietrich, all agreed.

Meeting adjourned 7:56