Morris Township
Washington County, PA

Supervisor Meeting Minutes – June 6, 2023

The Morris Township Board of Supervisors met for their regular meeting at the Municipal Building.  Present were Supervisors Rob Sanders, Dave Dietrich and Sam Bartolotto, Zoning Officer Bob Sanders, Greg Dunn, Doug Smith, Tim Hamilton, and Randy Hamilton.

Meeting was called to order at 6:00.

Public Comment:  Randy asked about streetlights. No word yet.  Had comments about township web site.

The minutes from last meeting incorrectly listed Supervisor Bartolotto twice and left out Chairman Sanders. Motion by Sanders to approve minutes from previous meeting after correcting that. Seconded by Bartolotto. All agreed.

Road report was read.

Fire report: 15 calls were responded to last month. 3 were responded to by Dietrich during working hours.

In old business:  Verizon has stated that Fios should be available for the township building to connect on July 31. 

The walking trail is presently getting the base done and then will be ready for blacktop.  We’re waiting on the contractor.

The township received an estimate from Pennsylvania American Water to extend the water line on Rt. 221 from the South Franklin line to Rt 18 in Morris.  After PAAW’s estimated contribution for projected customers, the total is $1,761,592.68.  Supervisors will be looking into grants and loans.

A Conditional use hearing for CNX to put a compressor on NV36 off Farmer Lane was held on May 2.  Motion by Sanders to approve the conditional use findings of fact and conclusions of law as provided by the solicitor.   Seconded by Dietrich.  All agreed.

There were numerous heavy haul agreement applications.  Four by CNX for Parcell Rd, Covered Bridge Rd, Archer Rd and Valley View. All bonding is In place and fees have been paid.

For EQM, we have applications for Dunn Station Rd and Ringland Ridge. An adjustment on the Ringland Ridge Rd application needed to be made to allow for trucks to have turn around space.  After that was made, motion by Sanders to approve all heavy haul agreements, seconded by Dietrich.  All agreed.

Randy asked for police report, which was not available for this meeting.  He does not feel that they are doing the job they are being paid for.

Motion by Sanders to review and pay bills.  Seconded by Bartolotto, all agreed. Meeting adjourned at 6:20