Morris Township
Washington County, PA

Supervisor Meeting Minutes – July 16, 2024

The Morris Township Board of Supervisors met for their regular meeting at the Municipal Building. Present were Supervisors Sam Bartolotto, Patrick Bracey & Dave Dietrich, Police Chief Will DeForte, County Commissioner Larry Maggi, Zoning Officer Bob Sanders, Allan Jack, Tim Hamilton, Randy Hamilton, Shirley Harris, Ken Leasure, Jim Watt, Doug & Pegg Smith, Mike & Billie Schwarz.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00.

Public Participation: Doug Smith asked about tires dumped on Wier Cole Rd.  Chief DeForte will investigate. Pegg Smith mentioned a pothole on Weir Cole.

Motion by Bartolotto to approve the minutes from the last meeting as written.  Seconded by Bracey. All agreed.

Financial report was available for review.

Road report was available for review.

Police report was given by Chief DeForte.

Old Business: Doug had a request from the Historical Society that they be allowed to apply for an LSA grant to paint the school house and if they would consider a contribution from the township. There was discussion on ways to come up with the funds and grant funding.

On the Dry Run Rd. slip: Dietrich has not heard anything from CNX yet.

The Act 537 planning proposal decision has been postponed until the next meeting.

The hearing for the junk cars on Weir Cole Rd has been scheduled by the Magistrate for August 8.

The Archer Rd. Slip is complete except for seeding and mulching.

New Business:  County Commissioner Larry Maggi was available for questions.  There was discussion of LSA grants, the FITS (furlough into service) Program, Clean & Green, the County computer system hack, Internet service, Regional Fire department rumors, the Magistrate system and the proposed 911 tower/radio system .

There is a concern by the Zoning Officer about a dead tree on Weir Cole Rd.  Supervisors will look into that and other trees that need trimmed from the roadways.

Motion by Bartolotto to review and pay bills. Seconded by Bracey.  All agreed.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:31