Morris Township
Washington County, PA

Supervisor Meeting Minutes – February 7, 2023

The Morris Township Board of Supervisors met for their regular meeting at the Municipal Building. Present were Supervisors Sam Bartolotto, Dave Dietrich, Rob Sanders, Zoning Officer Bob Sanders, Solicitor Dennis Makel, Engineer Jamie Harshman, Kathy & Bob Endler, Blake Kingston, Mike & Rose Donahue, Karen Shaw, Myrt & Don Clark, Donnis Phillips, Lynne Schmetzer. George Schmetzer, Kim & Randy Phillips, Marty & Scott Finch, Tim Allison, George Bracey, Patrick Bracey, Randy Hamilton, Tim Hamilton, JoAnn Close, Doug Smith, Marcy Lindley, John Lindley, Laura & Dave Watt, Matt Phillips, Amber Andrick, Autumn Elliott. Meeting was called to order at 6:00pm.

Public Participation: Doug Smith stated that the Supervisors should get information on projects, do due diligence and get bids even if it is not necessary.

Motion by Sanders to accept minutes from previous meeting as written. Seconded by Bartolotto, all agreed.

No Police Report. Chief Will DeForte is at Training in FL.

Road Report read.

Fire Report: There were 12 calls in the past month, 2 of which were responded to by Dave during working hours on Jan 12 and 13. 

Old Business: In regard to the proposed sewage treatment plant, Jamie Harshman from Harshman CE Group was present to explain the Act 537 Plan and the information it covers, including needs surveys, reasons for pursuing the plant, alternatives, future expansion potential, cost projections, fees. The plan is required to be made and approved by the DEP before any sewage plans can be done. Dennis Makel explained operational costs/debt services. 

There were questions/comments from Randy Hamilton, Randy Phillips, Scott Finch, Karen Shaw, Rose Donahue, Marci Lindley, Dave Watt, Kim  Phillips, John Lindley about various topics.   Discussions were had on bidding requirements for professional service and construction projects, grants that are available, easements, costs, previous experience of Harshman on similar projects. Location of pipes were discussed. A question was asked about the formation of a sewage authority.  For a plan the size proposed, it is not necessary.  It was decided that to get as much information to people as possible, another letter will go out to residents and another meeting will be held to allow for any questions or comments that people have.  A decision on beginning Act 537 planning will be tabled until after the next informational meeting.  

Marty Finch asked about the walking trail process.  Since the ground has been so wet, not much has been able to be done lately but a new bid request for the paving will be published next week and hopefully we’ll have someone to do the paving in the spring or summer. 

New business:  The old loader is 37 years old and is no longer safe to operate.  A couple of bids were received on a new one because used ones are very difficult to come by.  Bid for a JCB left over model from last year was quoted at approx. 129,000.  A comparable CAT was priced at $155,000.   The interest rate on financing the JCB is 5.2% with a $35,000 down payment and three yearly payments. If the Act 13 funds come in more than the last time, we can pay it off at that time and save the interest payments.  Motion by Dietrich to purchase the JCB at the cost of $129,103.00 with an initial payment of $35,000.  Seconded by Bartolotto. All agreed.

Motion by Sanders to review and pay bills, seconded by Dietrich.  All agreed. Meeting adjourned 7:52.