Morris Township
Washington County, PA

Supervisor Meeting Minutes – February 6, 2024

The Morris Township Board of Supervisors met for their regular meeting at the Municipal Building.  Present were Supervisors Sam Bartolotto, Dave Dietrich and Patrick Bracey, Zoning Officer Bob Sanders, Police Chief Will DeForte, Chuck Young, Greg & Susan Dunn, Duncan Smith, Tim Hamilton, Randy Hamilton, Aileen Smith, Amy Rogers, Marty Finch, Garrett Elliott. 

The meeting was called to order at 7:00.

Public Participation:  Randy requested detailed reports from the road crew on what they do during the day, how many hours are spent on projects and reports on overtime.  He also requested reports on permits issued and a cost audit of the walking trail when it is complete.

Dietrich discussed overtime hours from last year from the road crew, which were minimal.

Motion by Bartolotto to accept the minutes from the last meeting as written. Seconded by Dietrich, all agreed.

Police report was given by Chief Deforte: a summary of traffic stops, citations, discussion on weekend coverage and extra duties performed by the officers.   He also reminded residents that fingerprinting, and background checks are available for residents at no cost here at the Municipal Building Sub-station.

Garrett Elliott asked if the police would be available when the luminaries are put out at Christmas time.   The Chief said yes, they are happy to do that.

Fire report was given by Dietrich:  22 Calls last month, 2 were responded to during work hours.

In old business: It was noted that the Township received the State grant for the Act 537 Planning, which will cover half of the planning cost. The decision on the LSA grants was delayed because of a cyber attack on the County system.

Also, there will be a second informational workshop for the Act 537 Planning to allow residents to ask questions or make comments on the process. This will take place on Tuesday, March 12 at 7:00.  The Solicitor and Engineer will both be here to answer questions.

Randy stated that he doesn’t think we should pay the engineer to come.  Dietrich stated that the Supervisors do not know all of the answers that residents may have, and the engineer can answer them. 

In new business:  The Upper Ten Mile Church is participating in a project with Rise Against Hunger, an organization that is trying to eliminate hunger around the world. They make and distribute bags of rice/soy/vegetables that will feed a family of six. They need a lot of space and requested that they be allowed to use the garage for one day in the fall.  Details of the project were discussed, and it was determined that the garage could be cleaned out for a day so that the church can use the space on the day of the project.  

The Appalachian Regional Commission is having a 9-week training session for Municipalities to learn about the federal grant process and offer grants of up to $50,000 to those who complete the course.   There is a webinar on Thursday.  Dave and Pam will attend to see if the class looks worthwhile and might be beneficial to the Township.

Motion by Bartolotto to review and pay bills.  Seconded by Dietrich.   All agreed.

Mention by Bartolotto to put a link on our website to the Police website.  Pam will check into that.

Meeting adjourned at 7:42