Morris Township
Washington County, PA

Supervisor Meeting Minutes – February 21, 2023

The Morris Township Board of Supervisors met for their regular meeting at the Municipal Building.  Present were Supervisors Rob Sanders, Sam Bartolotto and Dave Dietrich, Zoning Officer Bob Sanders, Randy Hamilton and Tim Hamilton.

Meeting was called to order at 6:00.

Public participation:  Randy asked about plans for the next sewage meeting, which is not yet planned, 

Motion by Sanders to approve the minutes from the last meeting as written.  Seconded by Dietrich.  All agreed.

Police report was read.

Road report read.

Old Business:  There is a Commonwealth Funding Agency grant available that will cover half the cost of Act 537 Planning.  Motion by Sanders to authorize Harshman CE to apply for the grant for the Township.  Seconded by Dietrich. All agreed.

The Township audit for 2022 has been completed and approved by the DCED.

New Business: There have been two requests to join our Agricultural Security Area from South Franklin residents.  We are waiting to hear back from the solicitor on the process to let them join since SF does not have an ASA. Motion by Sanders to table until we have further information, seconded by Dietrich. All agreed.

Range has submitted an application for a road cut across Weir Cole Rd. This will be discussed again after the Road Masters meet with our engineer and a representative of Range.

Motion by Sanders to approve a subdivision survey from Consol giving 4.2133 acres to the township.   Seconded by Dietrich. All agreed. 

Dave received a notice about a FEMA class that will be held at Courthouse Square on April 11.  We will send someone to that meeting to remain eligible for funding should a disaster occur here. 

Motion by Sanders to review and pay bills, seconded by Bartolotto.  All agreed.

Meeting adjourned at 6:22