Morris Township
Washington County, PA

Supervisor Meeting Minutes – December 5, 2023

The Morris Township Board of Supervisors met for their regular meeting at the Municipal Building. Present were Supervisors Sam Bartolotto, Rob Sanders & Dave Dietrich, Zoning Officer Bob Sanders, Greg Dunn, Marissa King, Dan Watt, Randy Hamilton, Patrick Bracey, Jeff Mooney and Police Chief Will DeForte. The meeting was called to order at 6:00.

There were no comments for public participation.

Motion by Sanders to accept the minutes from the last meeting as written.  Seconded by Bartolotto.  All agreed.

Police Report given by Chief DeForte, along with a short discussion about setting up substation here.

Fire report given by Dietrich, 16 calls last month, 3 responded to by Dave during working hours.

Road report given by Dietrich.

Old Business: Pam talked to Marty Finch and Dan Watt and the consensus of the auditors is that it is best to use the CPA for the annual audit.

Nothing new on memorial for Dusty, we’re still waiting on proposals from companies.

A proposal was made for a sponsorship plaque that would cover the cost of the benches and picnic tables for the walking trail if people are interested in donating.   It would be a 15 X 17 ½ “  plaque with plates that can be added for anyone who wants to add a memorial or an honorarium or name to the plaque.  If 18 (at $250 donation apiece) plates were added, it would cover the cost of the benches/tables. Marissa will post to see if there is any interest.

Motion by Sanders to purchase plaque and make enclosure to display it.  Seconded by Bartolotto, all agreed. 

New Business:   With Dusty’s passing, there is now an opening on the Zoning Hearing Board that will need to be filled.  Patrick stated that Steve Buchanan is speaking with a couple of people about it.

Kenny Leasure is looking into building a house on part of his property but would need to run a line across the township right of way on Pie Ridge Rd. in order to get power to the site.  An agreement has been drawn up by the Solicitor to give that easement.   There was discussion on the planning process and location of the property.    

Motion by Dietrich to allow line to be placed with the property owner signing an agreement with the township.   Seconded by Sanders, all agreed.

Motion by Sanders to review and pay bills.  Seconded by Bartolotto.  All agreed. Meeting adjourned 6:37