Morris Township
Washington County, PA

Supervisor Meeting Minutes – August 15, 2023

The Morris Township Board of Supervisors met for their regular meeting. Present were Supervisors Sam Bartolotto, Rob Sanders, and Dave Dietrich, Zoning Officer Bob Sanders, Doug & Pegg Smith, Randy Hamilton, Tim Hamilton.

Meeting was called to order at 6:00.

Public Participation:  Randy Hamilton doesn’t think the grant writer is worth what was paid for, he thinks it could be done cheaper by the attorney or someone else.  Supervisor Dietrich stated that the attorney’s hourly fee is twice that of the grant writer.  He also asked about the truck order.  We are still waiting on the two trucks ordered.

Doug discussed the pond and the picnic, wishing that there could be community picnic this year.  Dietrich stated that if he would like to plan the picnic, he could go ahead and do it.  He also stated that he has decided not to pursue a Sunshine violation case about the signs. 

Motion by Chairman Sanders to accept the minutes from the last meeting as written, seconded by Dietrich, all agreed.

Police report was reviewed, and road report read.

Old Business:   We are expecting a call on Monday from West Penn Power about the Streetlights.

New business:  Motion by Sanders to adopt resolution 3 of 2023 to apply for a County LSA grant to cover the Act 537 Plan cost.  Seconded by Bartolotto, all agreed.

There was a notice that a 10-acre exemption was approved by the WCSC for 81 Minton Run Rd.

Motion by Sanders to renew the road bonds and heavy haul agreements for Harvey, Dry Run, Cabin, Deer Park, Timberline, Archer and Penn Hill Rds.   Seconded by Bartolotto, all agreed.

Motion by Sanders to adopt Resolution 4 of 2023 allowing two South Franklin residents to join our Agricultural Security Area since South Franklin does not have one.   Seconded by Dietrich, all agreed.

Motion by Sanders to review and pay bills, seconded by Dietrich, all agreed.

Meeting adjourned 6:25