Morris Township
Washington County, PA

Supervisor Meeting Minutes – April 4, 2023

The Morris Township Board of Supervisors met for their regular meeting at the Municipal Building. Present were Supervisors Sam Bartolotto, Rob Sanders and Dave Dietrich, Zoning Officer Bob Sanders, Greg Dunn, Doug Smith, Tim Hamilton, Randy Hamilton, Jeff Mooney, Dusty Stockdale and Jim Meier from Hill International.

Meeting was called to order at 6:00.

Public Participation:  Randy asked about walking trail progress, suggested that we don’t pay any more bills to Harshman until the paperwork is completely approved or to call a representative to get help getting answers on what is needed from the DCNR.  

Tim Hamilton commented that there is a paper trail. 

Motion by Sanders to approve the minutes from the last meeting as written.  Seconded by Bartolotto. All agreed.

Road report given.

In old business:   Oil is being rebid since there were no bids.  They will be opened at the next meeting.

Sewage Council meeting scheduled for this week has been postponed until June.

Clean up day is this Saturday.

Fire report given. Fire Dept responded to 22 alarms in April.  4 of them were responded to by Dave during township working hours.

In new business:  Sanders said that they are getting information on the availability and pricing on new trucks.  The road crew has been having issues with trucks being down and repeated repairs.  Discussion on old trucks.

Our summer worker, Chuck, is in in his fifth year with the township and is currently making $16.00 an hour.  Motion by Sanders to raise his hourly rate by $1.00 to $17.00 an hour and to give him the three paid holidays that fall in his working time.  Seconded by Dietrich.  All agreed. 

Pam mentioned that after the Census, the PA house districts have been adjusted.  Morris Township will no longer be in district 15.  As of December 1, we will be part of district 48.

Motion by Sanders to review and pay bills.  Seconded by Bartolotto.   All agreed.

Meeting adjourned at 6:24. 

Respectfully Submitted,

Pamela Bartolotto/Secretary