Morris Township
Washington County, PA

Supervisor Meeting Minutes – April 16, 2024

The Morris Township Board of Supervisors met for their regular meeting at the Municipal building. Present were Supervisors Dave Dietrich and Patrick Bracey, Zoning Officer Bob Sanders, Bruce Livingood, Greg Dunn, Randy Hamilton, Ralph Burkhouse, Doug Smith.   The meeting was called to order at 7:00.

Public Comment:  Ralph Burkhouse had a complaint about his neighbors at 409 Weir Cole Road, who have three junked vehicles, two on their own property and one on Mr. Burkhouse’s property.  They have much more junk accumulated on the property but the vehicles violate the Junked Vehicle Ordinance so he would like the township to notify the neighbors of the Ordinance violation. 

Randy Hamilton had a suggestion that the Supervisors invite our State Representatives to some of the Township meetings to answer questions and take comments from residents.

Bruce Livingood asked a question about tree clean up and there was a discussion about beavers.

Motion by Dietrich to accept the minutes from the previous meeting as written.  Seconded by Bracey.

The Financial report was available to review.

The Road report was available to review.

The Police report was ready by Dietrich.

There was discussion of the flooding and FEMA report.  The township has asked for residents to report flood damage and there were two calls about flooded houses that were referred to the county.

They were also sent a list of roads that are damaged, and we are hoping that the damage was sufficient for FEMA to help.

Old Business:  Heavy haul agreements:  One renewal by CNX and new agreement with Consol.

All fees, escrow and bonding is done.

 Motion by Dietrich to approve CNX Heavy Haul agreement for .20 mi. of Valley View Rd.   Seconded by Bracey.

 Motion by Dietrich to approve Consol Heavy Haul agreement for .5 mile of Elwood Day Rd. Seconded by Bracey.

There was discussion on things to come:  Handbook revisions, 537 Plan bidding. 

There was discussion on the burn permit and whether it should be an ordinance. The permit would be for large fires, for example, someone burning acres of property or a house.   The solicitor thinks that before making an ordinance, we should try the permit and see if people use it.  If residents refuse to call for the permit, we can talk about an ordinance.   There was discussion on driveway permits and access to the property that the township was given for the future sewage treatment plant.

Motion by Dietrich to review and pay bills, seconded by Bracey.          

Meeting adjourned at 7:56