Morris Township
Washington County, PA

Supervisor Meeting Minutes – September 17, 2024

The Morris Township Board of Supervisors met for their regular meeting at the Municipal Building. Present were Supervisors Sam Bartolotto, Patrick Bracey & Dave Dietrich, Zoning Officer Bob Sanders, Greg & Susan Dunn, Randy Hamilton, Bruce Livingood, Doug & Pegg Smith, Shirley Harris, Dan Bracey, Michaela & Isla Bracey. The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.

Public Participation: Susan gave an update on Rise Against Hunger, which will take place at the Municipal Building on September 28. Everything is coming along very well and there has been a lot of public support.

Randy asked about the truck (new motor is in but not completely installed yet), sewage, DEP and deed to property. Bracey read an email from Consol pertaining to property transfer. Township is still waiting on agreement from Consol’s attorneys.

Doug asked about the police offices computer. Dietrich reported that the outlet was bad, and it has been repaired. The claim will not raise the premium for the township.

Motion by Bartolotto to accept the minutes from the last meeting with one correction: Zoning Officer was abbreviated as ZO in the last paragraph. That will be corrected. Seconded by Bracey. All agreed.

Financial report and road report are available for review. Police report was read by Bartolotto.

Old Business: Secretary renewed request for donations for the Schoolhouse painting.

The Heavy Haul agreement update was reviewed. There was an addition that requires HH holders to repair any road slips that occur on roads that are under agreement. Motion by Bracey to approve updated heavy haul agreement, seconded by Bartolotto. Dietrich not in favor.

New Business: Doug Smith, representing the Morris Township Historical Society, asked the township for a donation of $5,000 to the painting of the schoolhouse and for approval to apply for an LSA grant for the remainder of the money needed to get the Archer Schoolhouse painted. Discussion followed on the amount that will be needed and what funds have already been received by donations.
Motion by Bracey to donate $5,000 to fund and to approve of the Historical Society making the grant application. Seconded by Dietrich, all agreed.

Motion by Bartolotto to apply for the READY ARC grant of $50,000 for training for sewage facility maintenance and software/hardware for utilities. Seconded by Bracey. All agreed.

Mention that the Dry Run Rd report should be ready tomorrow or Thursday.

Motion by Bartolotto to review and pay bills, seconded by Dietrich. All agreed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:46.