Morris Township
Washington County, PA
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Supervisor Meeting Minutes – July 21, 2020

The Morris township Board of Supervisors met for their regular meeting at the municipal building. Attending were supervisors Robert Sanders, Dave Dietrich and Doug Smith, Zoning officer Bob Sanders, Greg & Susan Dunn, Randy Hamilton, Tim Hamilton, Kathleen Koehler & Michael Verner, Les and Nancy Palombine, Mike and Amber Falosk.

The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm. Motion made by Sanders to accept the minutes from the previous meeting as read, 2nd by Smith, all agreed.

In old business:  On the Weir Cole project, things have started, the road has been surveyed, needed repair identified, it will be put out for bid.

Koehler/Verner spring issue.  Received an estimate from Watson, which is the one they would like to accept, cheaper than Wilson’s and more detailed.  Kathleen requests that the township donate supplies as the estimate already includes labor.  Discussion on process of putting in well.  Township would like to have a meeting with Watson to discuss the work to be done.  

On the baseball issue, there was a game going on tonight when we arrived for the meeting. We need to get in touch with McAnallen.  He stated he will comply with any park rules that are established.

Waynesburg monument is to look at the monument to see what it will take to move.  Township residents seem favorable to the move. Gregg Dunn stated that the church will have no problem with the move. Doug talked to Susan Meighan at the Veterans Administration.  There are currently no funds available to help with the move.

Park restroom paperwork is almost complete, will be ready to have prep work done soon.

In new business, Palombines & Falosks were present to discuss issue with neighbors’(Eddys) trailer which is on the Falosk’s property on Minton Run Rd. and is violating the zoning by being too close to the Palombine’s property line.  Discussion on what has been done over the years.  Palombines request is that the township enforce the zoning ordinance.  Sanders stated that the township will speak with the solicitor for his recommendation

Discussion on Planner to rewrite ordinances.  Pam asked if there are any thoughts on applying for  LSA grant.  If not, we could try to apply for the grant to pay the planner.

CPA audit estimates received.  They were William T Grimm & Associates, $1,00-$1,900.  Palermo/Kissinger, $5,500-$6,000.  Houston & Associates, $11,500-$12,000.  No reply from McClure & Wolf.   

Motion from Sanders to hire Grimm & Associates to do 2020 audit, 2nd Dietrich.  All agreed.

Survey from Washington County Twp Association was discussed.  Supervisors asked for more information.  Pam will ask for more info.  Discussion on towers, internet extension, etc…

Motion by Sanders to review and pay bills, 2nd by Smith.

Motion to adjourn by Sanders at 8:23, 2nd by Smith. 

Respectfully Submitted,
Pamela Bartolotto/Secretary