Morris Township
Washington County, PA
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Supervisor Meeting Minutes – February 16, 2021

The Morris Township Board of Supervisors held their regular meeting at the Municipal Building.  Present were Supervisors Rob Sanders, Dave Dietrich and Doug Smith, Zoning Officer Bob Sanders, Greg Dunn, Dave Franz, Marissa King, Randy Hamilton, Tim Hamilton, Dusty Stockdale, Aileen Smith.

The meeting was called to order at 7:33. Motion by Sanders to accept the minutes from the February 1 meeting with the correction to change the “another Supervisor” with Rob Sanders name. Second by Smith.  All agreed.

Dave Franz was present to explain the letter the township received from Nationwide about the cancellation of the Life and ADD policies to local municipalities.  New policies prices from five other companies were presented to the board. Every new policy was at a savings to the township compared to the old policy.  Motion from Smith to go with the Sunlife Policy at a cost of $141.00 per month.  Second by Dietrich.  All agreed.  New policy will take effect April 1.

Approval of the subdivision application of Ken Grove was recommended by the Planning Commission.  Dave Franz from the Planning Commission was present to represent Grove since he was out of town.  He is purchasing 12.5 acres from the adjoining Castro property.  The subdivision was presented to the Planning Commission in January but was declined because changes were needed.  After revisions, it was presented again in February and was recommended for approval.  Motion to approve by Smith, Second by Dietrich. All approved.

Smith read a paragraph from the minutes of the previous meeting then explained that he got a second opinion from Dennis Makel to the Township Solicitor’s opinion on the Strawn Impoundment Conditional Use Agreement. Smith stated that the attorney told him he was absolutely correct and that Range would have to apply for a new conditional use.  Smith stated that Makel gave him the name of a Range attorney, Matt Junker, who said he spoke to Bill Hook months ago about this and that he had a supervisor on board as well.  Smith asked Makel to put his opinion in writing but when he received the opinion, it was the exact opposite of what was said in person.  Smith also stated that he feels the township is getting a raw deal because there are still people not getting royalties. Sanders suggested that we should make a new agreement with Range stating they don’t use trucks to take water to any other site outside the township.  Smith stated that it would be better than what we have now so he should do it and Smith hopes he succeeds.

The walking trail was discussed briefly.

CNX was contacted about the vacant houses in the McCormick Ln area and we are waiting on a response.  Dave called Dale to update him on the situation.

In new business:  The audit is finished.  The report will be advertised it will be available for the public to review. 

Motion by Sanders to review and pay bills. Second by Smith.  Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Pamela Bartolotto/Secretary