Morris Township
Washington County, PA
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Supervisor Meeting Minutes – December 6, 2016

The Morris Township Board of Supervisors met at the township office for their regular scheduled meeting. Present were Supervisors Dusty Stockdale, Dave Dietrich, Zoning Officer Bob Sanders, Morris of Greene Police Chief Mike Natale, Road Crew Employee Rob Sanders and Supervisor Doug Smith arrived at 7:40 PM.

Vice Chairman Dietrich called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The financial report was made available for inspection.

In old business, since the Supervisors increased the percentage amount of employee contribution to the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System to 8%, a new Minimum Municipal Obligation form was presented to the Board of Supervisors. The estimated employer contribution amount is $13,312.00. Of that amount $2,496.00 is the estimated employee contribution for the secretary. The remaining $10,816.00 estimated employee contribution for full time employees can be reimbursed to the township by the 2018 state aid. The board of supervisors acknowledged this MMO presentation.

Police Chief Mike Natale presented the board with a new contract for the year 2017. There will be a $3.00 per hour increase in the hourly rate due to unforeseen insurance increases. Hourly rate will now be $39.00 per hour for 24 hours of police service per week. Smith stated that he wants to wait for Solicitor Hook’s opinion of the new contract before the supervisors sign. Dietrich and Stockdale agreed with Smith. Otherwise, Smith is okay with the new hourly rate increase. Yearly amount is $48,672.00.

Two Zoning Hearing Board appointees have given their notice that they do not want to be re-appointed in 2017. John Fonner and Tom Scherich have served on the Zoning Hearing Board for many years now and they feel it is time for someone else to be appointed. Rob Sanders expressed interest in serving on the Zoning Hearing Board. The board of Supervisors will also see if anyone else is interested.

Dietrich stated that the box culverts at Cabin & Harvey have been installed and weather permitting, there may be some paving done tomorrow.

Dietrich and Stockdale stated that at the last construction site meeting, they were told that the steel building will not be delivered until 12/29. The next on site meeting is scheduled for Wed, Dec 28th. Smith wants Lesnock to inquire with RSH on the durability of the vinyl plank flooring and vinyl composite tile.

Township has not received verification that Hathaway signed for the latest Notice of Violation. Secretary to ask Magistrate Ward about process of having sheriff’s deputy deliver notice.

In new business, CNX stated that Noble will be taking over two of their wells. The conditional use goes with the property. Discussion ensued.

Motion by Stockdale second by Smith to review and pay bills. Motion by Dietrich, second by Smith to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:26 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Lesnock, Secretary