Morris Township
Washington County, PA
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Supervisor Meeting Minutes – December 5, 2017

The Morris Township Board of Supervisors met at the township office for their regular scheduled meeting.  Present were Supervisors David Stockdale, Dave Dietrich, Zoning Officer Bob Sanders, Planning Commission member Randy Hamilton, Greene County Regional Police Chief Natale, Carl Sanders, Rob Sanders, Joe Defrancesco of Walsh Granite. Supervisor Doug Smith arrived at 8:35 P.M.

Chairman Stockdale called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Minutes of the previous meeting were read.  Motion by Stockdale, second by Dietrich to approve the minutes as read.  The financial report was made available for inspection.

In old business, the Morris Township signs have been installed.  The long-range cameras are in but have not been installed. The open house is scheduled for Wednesday December 20 between 2 P.M. and 5 P.M. with the ribbon cutting ceremony taking place at 2:30 P.M. Stockdale would like to see the front parking area of the park cleaned up of the debris and excess stone. Dietrich is to find out the correct name that the V.F.D. and V.F.D. relief association should be, on the legal documents to transfer the ownership of former Municipal Building to V.F.D.

Regarding the curative amendment request to address sale of automobiles in Ordinance #2 of 2010, planning commission meeting is advertised for Monday December 11 at 7:30 P.M.  Morris Township Solicitor Hook will work on updating the open cut of twp roads ordinance and ordinance #1 of 2006 Registration of residential rental properties.

Police Chief Mike Natale presented the board with a new 2018 Police Agreement.  The missing paragraph was added.  He also presented the Board with the 2017 Police Service Statistics and added that he had previously given verbal reports to David Dietrich or David Stockdale when responding to incidents in Morris Township.  He will give future statistic reports to the board in written form.  Chairman Stockdale stated that he appreciates all the help that the Greene County Regional Police Department provides to Morris Township and the assistance they provide to Morris Twp V.F.D.  Discussion ensued over how the magistrate gives a 15 MPH grace speed on speeding violations due to VASCAR. Hamilton disagreed with this practice. A final decision was delayed by the board as Doug Smith was not yet in attendance and the board wanted to wait until Smith was part of the decision.

Regarding Hathaway, a new notification will have to be sent to the Hathaway’s and the demolition must be rebid. 

In new business, Joe Defrancesco of Walsh Granite told the board that phase 2 of the bridge replacement project located at the intersection of Weir Cole Road and Plum Sock Road will be ready to begin after the New Year.  He asked if it was possible to continue to keep that end of Weir Cole Road closed until the project is completed in April. There is still a need to park their equipment at the closed end of Weir Cole. Also, they would have to install another traffic light. Discussion ensued.  Dietrich felt that it would be more beneficial if the sub-contactor could attend a meeting as the rep from Walsh Granite wasn’t able to answer many questions.

Act 42 grants municipalities the authority to prohibit the location of Category 4 casino within the boundaries of the municipality.  Motion by Stockdale, second by Dietrich to adopt Resolution #3 of 2017 prohibiting the location of Category 4 “mini-casinos” facility within the boundaries of Morris Township of Washington County.

Doug Smith arrived at 8:35 P.M. He made a few comments pertaining to what was previously discussed. 1.  He would like the township to make an exception to the 2 to 1 general grading ordinance. 2. He is in favor of enforcing the Registration of residential rental properties and wondered if it could be enforced as is. 3. Smith said he has a house on Ola’s Lane that he would like to rent out but is waiting until the lower end of Weir Cole was reopened. He stated that the closure of Weir Cole is inconvenient for the residents of Ola’s Lane and that if a decision was necessary on the continued closure of Weir Cole, he would abstain from voting as he had a self-interest in this issue.

The health insurance premium went up almost $800.00 per month.  Secretary to ask Bob Franz to attend next meeting.

Secretary Lesnock informed the board that she was notified for Jury Duty in January.

Motion by Dietrich, second by Smith to review and pay bills. Motion by Dietrich, second by Smith to adjourn.  Meeting adjourned at 8:55 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Lesnock, Secretary